TallyPrime Complete

TallyPrime Complete

Learn Tally Prime  2 hours only   (Price:  Students $25,  Business $49)

Private Course
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Responsible Qasim Hirsi
Last Update 06/13/2024
Completion Time 1 hour 41 minutes
Members 18
  • How to Download and Create a Company in TallyPrime
  • How to Create Customer and Supplier Ledger
    • 03 How to create customer ledger
    • 04 how to create supplier ledger
  • How to Create Inventory Masters- Units Measurement and Stock Item
    • 05 how to create inventory master
  • How Create Purchases on Credit and Purchase Return
  • How to Create Sales , Sales Returns and Customer Payments in TallyPrime
  • How to Record Supplier Payments, Cash Purchases and Purchase Return
  • How to Create Inventory Locations and Record Stock Transfers
    • 16 How to Create Inventory location in TallyPrime
    • 17 How to Record stock transfer between branc
  • How Create Chart of Accounts and Record Expenses
    • 18 how to record expenses in tallyprime
  • How to Record Funds Transfer between Accounts
  • How to use and Record Journal Entries in TallyPrime
    • 20 how to record journal entris in tallyprime
  • How to Recod Physical Inventory Count in TallyPrime
    • 21 How to record physical inventory count
  • How to Create Accounting Masters Group
    • 22 How to create Accounting masters Gruop in tally
  • How to Create Inventory Masters Group
    • 23 how to create inventory master group
  • How to Create Multi Currency and Make Sales transaction in foreign Currency
    • 24 How to Create Multicurrency and Make Sales in Foreign Currency in TallyPrime
  • How to Edit and Create a Voucher Type in TallyPrime
    • 25 how to edit and craate voucher type in tallypri
  • How to use Financial Ratios in TallyPrime
    • 26 how to use financial ratios in tallyprime
  • How tom Export Repors and Prepare Customer Statement in TallyPrime
    • 27 how to export reports and prepare customer statements in tallyprime
    • 28 How to change user password in rallyprime
  • How to Create Password for your company, Create Admin and other users in TallyPrime
    • 29 how to create password for your compant and create admin and other users in tallyprime
  • How to Create, Edit, Select, Shut a Company and Create TallyVault in TallyPrime
    • 30 How to Create, edit, select , shut a company and create TallyVault
  • How to Split Company Company Data in TallyPrime
    • 31 How to Split a Company Data